We found out on May 2, 2010 that we were pregnant! Woot!
This is our first baby and we had just started trying a month before.
We honestly thought it would take MONTHS, so the fact that it happened so quickly really surprised me.
I wasn't thinking about pregnancy much, but my husband noticed that I was very tired on one of our drives. I couldn't stay awake at all!
Sucks... lol because we went to a place that sells a lot of different types of soda... and I found this coffee soda... that I actually liked.
So right before drinking my hubby suggested I take one...
I didn't want to. I hated taking pregnancy test, get my hopes up, and finding out I wasn't.
Anyways I went, did my thing, and waited for the results.
Within a minute it said POSITIVE!

It didn't even give me enough time to go get my hubby in the other room!
So after the shock wore off I ran to the living room, and told hubby.
He was so excited. Probably in as much shock as I was.
Soon after taking the test, we got a blood test to confirm.
That too came back positive.
On what was suppose to be 9 weeks we went for our first doctors appointment.
Michael was due to leave for training that weekend, and we wanted to see if we could see the baby.
The nurse made up an excuse for us to see how far along I was, and we found out I was actually 6 weeks along, not 9!

Michael left that weekend, and all was good for a few days.
I ended up having some bleeding and I thought that for sure I was having a miscarriage.
I went in for a few blood test, and I found out I was B- blood type... Not B+ like I was told by my parents.
Anywhoo... I got another ultrasound to see if baby was okay.

I heard heartbeat at 10 weeks
and Hubby heard it at 13 weeks.
All is good!
Now I am 15 weeks tomorrow.