I think I'm going nuts from all the waiting.
We still don't have a due date, but I'm honestly just tired.
I want him home as soon as possible, and I have very little patients when its something I really want.
I wish they would just give him a due date and get it over with.
Even if he is extended
I just want to know what is up.
I need to know something, if I don't I can't ask for those days off, and there might be a chance I can't get it off because its just random like that.
I'm sure my coworkers will understand, but its not something I want to do to them.
Bleh I just hate all this extra stress. I don't need that.
Other then being frustrated I'm doing fine.
Michael is doing good too, just working and getting ready to come home.
I'm trying to keep positive, but not have at least something to go on is just driving me nuts.
Just 10% left...
that is it...
I hope these next to weeks don't drag....
I'm really crossing my fingers here.